AVOID THESE Look around you and you can see all of the types of behaviors of people, mentioned in the Bible. The end times are clearly here. The people of this world never figure out God's truth. They love themselves and commit all types of atrocities. Avoid them. Know that they will try to trap you and distract you. We can't continually respond to unlearned or foolish questions that will add fuel to a fire. These are distractions that satan sends your way to tire you out, depress you, and take your time. Those things take God's time. We watch and pray, but we don't need to engage in every conversation. Any opportunity to lead a person to the Lord and share the Gospel is wonderful: that is you influencing them. Other than that, it is the enemy trying to ensnare you and hold you back from serving God: that would be them influencing you. Avoid the situation. To be used by God, we must avoid certain things. We can't chase after youthful lusts and we need a pure heart. As humans, we are not sinless but we can sin less. We are forgiven, so we need to act like it. Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins and we need to appreciate that. We cannot continue in a lazy way, backsliding. We must stand firm against sin and walk in faith. It requires a daily commit to reading the Word in the Bible. It requires constant prayer and thanksgiving. We should be thankful that there is so much more than this world, in the future! Eternity with our Father in Heaven and our savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit should be incentive to keep us going in the right direction. Keep your eye on this beautiful end to life after you have fought the good fight.
avoid | disputes of fools | unnecessary conflict | dishonorable efforts | corruption |
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