PICK YOUR BATTLES If there is a fight to be fought, it is to resist evil at all times. God does not want us to submit to evil and do evil's bidding. We can be sure of that. God fights the enemy and He may use us to do something. We know the end of the story. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost win. Evil loses. But, we live on this earth and we must endure. Nobody said it would be easy. In fact, God told us it would require sacrifice and we would endure persecution. Jesus also said His yoke is easy and the burden is light. We live in the world but we are not of the world. How do we actively and proactively function? We can't be timid and hide away. Why does it seem so difficult? Getting started seems hard, but once you are committed to something, it becomes easier. Pick your battles. Don't try to do it all by yourself. Jesus said without Him we could do nothing. So, God will lead you. He will send you. So, if you are going to fight, who is your commander? God is. If He sends us into battle, it will be when He is ready - and if He feels that we are ready. We can't doubt at all, so our faith needs to be strong and we have to obey. If we truly surrender to God's will for our lives, we can be a good soldier. If we are sent, we can't hide in fear or run away from God. We have to follow through, or others may suffer around us, as God gets our attention again and puts us back on course. We are called to be brave and not timid. We don't know what the future is. Maybe our sins have risen to heaven and God is about to raise His mighty hand against us. We will cleave to Him to protect us, as He corrects our society and punishes the evildoers. Maybe we will fight as a physical soldier, but we will for sure fight as a spiritual soldier. We must watch and pray. We must ask to be used by God, and commit to following His Word.
Great site!
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