PREPARE YOUR HOME Prepare Your Home for the Battle of Your Life Run scenarios and determine what you might need. Imagine utilities and communication no longer function or don't function consistently. Imagine store shelves are empty. A plan is good. Supplies are good. Water is vital.Think about protection. Scroll down for an example of an "Emergency Response Binder" that you could customize to your own needs for your home and family. "Preparing for an Emergency" is another document down below this page. Consider how prepared you are in these categories: Prayer, Water, Food, Sanitization, Security, Medical, Spiritual, Communication, Power/Heat, Transportation, Money, Clothing, Paper Goods, Repairs, Hunting, Emergency, Sustainability, Alliances, and Trade Items. We are told to watch and pray. That means we are to be aware of what is going on, nearby. We can't hide away and pretend events are not happening. God wants us to protect our loved ones and our homes. Consider that Jesus will return and we will be taken up, but first we will see turmoil as He mentioned. He said we are not to be troubled. We must live as if Jesus will come in our lifetime! He also told us there will be false messiahs, saying they are lord. This will be deception. The Bible tells us that Jesus will return for the Christian's sake, or all flesh would be lost. That tells you what life will be like. Get tough, Christians! Prepare your home by preparing your heart, reading the Word of God and being the wise servant. Watch and know what will happen next, because God explained it. Watch and protect your home from the thief. Are you ready to prepare and protect your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers? We are our brother's keeper. Our mindset has to be in helping others, while we prepare our home.
prepare your home | supplies | printed information | communication | medical |
This is a sample Emergency Response Binder that you could customize for your own needs. It will get you started thinking about supplies you might need. This is a short article on Preparing for an Emergency and gives you ideas of things to quickly get together, without spending a lot of money! |
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