TRUST GOD Trust God. So, how is it that we have fear and doubts, and do so little for God? One day we will be accountable - and we want Him to say, "Well done, faithful servant." We can't do anything crippled by fear, or chained by anxiety, or downtrodden by depression. We must rise up in strength and ask God what He would have us do - and take one step in the direciton we are led. One step in faith will take us somewhere we have never been before. And, we must fall down on our knees in humility each day and ask God what He would have us do next. We need to ask God what to do each day. Each day is a clean slate, too, so we must stop thinking we messed up in the past and can't fix it. That is right, we all messed up, but we repent or feel sorry and confess it to our Father in Heaven and He forgives us. We have to stop using that guilt as an excuse to do nothing. We have to stop saying we are not worthy. Jesus died for those sins. Jesus paid for the sin that are past, present and future. He paid the price. We are washed white as snow. It was a high price and we should be thankful. God, our Father, gave His only Son to die for us. He gave His Son as a sacrificial lamb to pay for our sins! Do we grasp this concept? Could we give up our only child to die for others? The concept is something only God understands. He loves us so very much. Trust God and know your enemy! Every day this world lies to us and tell us we are not loved unless we are perfect or agree with certain ideals, and makes us feel that we are doomed. Some media and some politicians tell us that they will save us and they tell us how to live, or we will perish. The example they set is overwhelmingly morally sinful and full of lies. They want money and power, and control. They want to rob us of our freedom, our right to protect our families, and our right to worship. That is satan and evil - and he wants to rob us of a fruitful life serving the God who loves us so much. Nobody needs to know what we are working on or that we are praying for someone or that God has spoken to us. We are not to be lofty or proud in front of others. We simply must do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do. Even if we think that someone will laugh, or that others think we are unqualified, we must simply trust and obey. If we are wrong or we do something that isn't super great, it doesn't matter. God knows in our heart of hearts that we are trying to please Him. In the end, when we die, we will look our creator and our savior in the face - and we will be humbled and we will need to give an account of what we did with the life that God granted us. It is an opportunity and a blessing to be alive. Don't waste it. The Bible is full of promises and advice to keep us safe, and to help us be happy. God said to think about what is pure and good and lovely. He didn't say saturate yourselves with the news that makes us cry or feel sick to our stomachs. We are to watch and pray, but not to be obsessed with the bad news. We must study the Word of God in our Bible (or Bibles). We have to get a couple of different translations and compare them and see if we can understand the text. The Holy Spirit will make things clear for us, if we simply open the Bible and read, or if we simply pray. Trust God, like a small child, and the adventure begins!
![]() Jesus Said to Love Your Neighbors |
Suggested reading: |
trust God | study the Word | learn about the enemy | gain wisdom | listen |
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