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If we don't have compassion, what happens?

What happens to babies, children, teens, adults and seniors when we lack compassion? 

Babies need to bond to their mothers and be loved. Children need to have two parents. Teens need supervision and guidance. Adults need a loving spouse. Seniors need family.

Compassion means that we care about one another. It is hard work. Love is hard work. Maybe we are stressed or tired or have no money, but we do it anyway. It is called sacrifice and our parents, grandparents and great grandparents all did it.

Are we supposed to be judging others?

What happens when we think we are judges and start pointing fingers are other people?

God loves us. He loves the sinners and hates the sin.

There is none righteous – no, not one. All sin separates us from God. The little bitty sin and the huge sin are alike in God’s eyes. He cannot be near sin. The only way we have a relationship with Him, is by His grace. His gift to us is His Son, Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose again – and all He asks of us, is to believe in Him. Believe He died personally for our sins.

As Christians, we are redeemed. Past, present and future sins all washed in the blood. And how would it be that we could judge one another? How could it be that we find ourselves in some great position that we can point fingers? We need to concentrate on our own problems, share what we have learned and pray for other people.

Babies need to bond to their mothers and be loved. Children need to have two parents. Teens need supervision and guidance. Adults need a loving spouse. Seniors need family.

Compassion means that we care about one another. It is hard work. Love is hard work. Maybe we are stressed or tired or have no money, but we do it anyway. It is called sacrifice and our parents, grandparents and great grandparents all did it.


Ps 118:24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice
and be glad in it.

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